Canada Babies

Average cost of Daycare?

Ballpark - can you share with me what you spend a year on daycare?


Re: Average cost of Daycare?

  • The one we are going to be using is about $800 a month, but I have seen them as little as $600 and as high as $1800. It all depends on what area you live in and whether they are a registered day home, unregistered day home, or an actual day care centre
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  • I pay $700 per month for my oldest daughter.  When I go back to work it will be $1200 per month for the two of them.
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  • The average here is $600-800/month.  Our friend will be taking DS in 5 hours/day with flex weeks (4 days one week, 5 days the next) and we agreed to $550/month. She's not registered/licensed and we'll provide everything including crib for naps, carseat, and toys etc.
    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
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