
s/o- Anyone's 3.5 yo still NOT able to pedal bike?

We have a tricycle for dd. She refuses to pedal and just wants us to push her on it.  I get so annoyed at her. Please tell me she's not the only one!

Re: s/o- Anyone's 3.5 yo still NOT able to pedal bike?

  • Ethan's 3 and not pedaling yet. ?Mostly b/c up to now he's been to short to reach the pedals! LOL ? Now that he can reach, he just prefers to zoom along using his feet on the ground rather than putting in the effort to use the pedals. ?
  • Miles doesn't. He knows how for the most part but he refuses to peddle and just does it the Flintstone way!
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  • My son was the same way. He caught on eventually.
  • Logan will peddle, but he needs a "push".  He can't just go by himself.  Once he is going, he can peddle just fine. 
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  • Thanks!

    I think the problem is that we got her a tricycle where the pedals don't move with the wheel. So she can rest her feet on the pedals while we push her, they don't move automatically....


  • If we try to 'make' Evan use the peddles, he can only make himself go backwards. *shrug* lol

    So he just pushes his feet on the ground usually.

  • A can only do it if I'm pushing her. She tried a diff. little trike type ride at TRU and was better at it but still didn't quite get it. I'm not sure if she doesn't get the concept or just isn't strong enough.


  • Mine didn't but it was partially because she didn't have much of a chance to for the prior several months due to winter.  She actually learned at school...her preschool teacher had it down as one of her skills & I was suprised--LOL!  I think her little friend there subliminally peer pressured her...& low & behold she picked it up.  She had practically outgrown the trike by the time she finally pedaled so we got her a big girl bike w/ training wheels & she did great on that.

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  • DD#1 still doesn't pedal and she'll be three in about a week.  She can, but not well.  We've kinda started working with her on it.  She's about as coordinated as her mother (as in not at all) and can't manage to steer and pedal anyway, but she almost doesn't seem to have the strength.  She also just started being able to reach the pedals maybe 4-5 months ago even though we got her the smaller trike they had (she's very tiny).  I thought about trying a big bike with training wheels, but DD didn't even want to sit on one of those at the store.  I'll wait until she's ready.
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