I have to get this out and this is one of the few places I can without DH finding out.
Yesterday SUCKED for me. We had decided that instead of getting gifts, we would just go out on a fancier date nice in honor of mother and father's day. Fine. No problem. Not the jewelry I had dreamed about, but I know we're trying to save money so, eh. I still thought I would get some pampering or something to make it "special" that would be free. He took the morning feeding of the boys so I could sleep in and that's pretty much it. Oh, he also send me some flowers on Facebook. So, no card, no breakfast in bed, nothing else. It was pretty much like every other day - I did the dishes, laundry, went to the store etc. I am just so disappointed and hurt. I waited 35 YEARS for my first mom's day and this is it?!?
I was going to talk to him about it, but our dog was acting funny last night (she has cancer) and we ended up taking her to the vet today to put her to sleep (we knew it was only a matter of time after the diagnosis 2 months ago).
So now I feel like I can't tell him how I feel and mom's day will always be associated with Koko's passing. This just sucks.
I know I'm being a bit whiney, but you can't help how you feel....
Thanks for letting me vent.
Re: vent
Sorry you had such a shitty Mother's Day, and about your doggie. Last year the kids were 11 months old and my DH hadn't planned anything. No cards from the kids, no gift. So the night before Mother's Day I announced he would be taking me to breakfast in the morning. This was the extent of the celebration.
Last month I told him I expected a gift and gave him a budget limit. He got me a locket necklace from the kids and brunch with my mom and my siblings.