So I guess I didn't get Rowans PJ's washed (we are down to only a couple pair since they have grown so much) and we were running late trying to get them both down.
Sloane had 2 pair clean so when DH told me to bring some for Ro I just asked if he minded Rowan wearing purple. I think he was distracted because he didn't notice that not only were they purple but they had monkey ballerinas with bows all over them until he was putting the shirt on.
Of course I had been trying really hard not to laugh and at that point just lost it. I started snorting at told Rowan he looked SOOO PRETTY.
DH just looked at me and said "those are coming off as SOON as he wakes up". I will be sneaking into his room tonight for a picture!
I am sure I will end up paying for therapy when he grows up.
Re: Tee Hee...Rowan is in Sloane's PJ's
That's funny-you can take pictures for him to take to his therapy sessions when he is older!
Too funny. He's going to love that pic when he gets older
I have dressed Jared in Jenna's clothes b/c I was distracted and forgot who I was dressing. Then when I finish there's my little boy in a pink outfit.