Well, we are still at the hotel and now the attorney says maybe monday or tuesday. It really sucks that we are less than an hour from home but can't cross over the border (legally).
I'm waiting for my mom to arrive from Iowa - her flight was delayed. Now she gets to stay in a hotel room too! Since we thought we would be home by Thursday or Friday.
Yesterday we covered Grant up and went to the mall (during the day it wasn't crowded) and spoiled him rotten at janie and jack, cotton babies (or baby cotton or something). I spied this shirt at Janie & Jack that I thought might be really fitting for IA or plane travelling DA. It had a picture of a house and an airplane and says something like, "travelling to my home" or something. I can't find it on their site but it was cute.
Our wedding anniversary is tomorrow, so maybe grandma will babysit at the hotel and we can go have a nice dinner.
QUARTERS, QUARTERS, QUARTERS! Seriously. If you are DA and expect to be staying at a hotel (first make sure the hotel does have a laundry room because you will need it - babies might be small but they produce a lot of laundry and you won't want to be toting a baby to a laundry mate) right now go to the bank and get several rolls of quarters and pack them.
Washes and dries are like 1.25 to 1.75 a SMALL load and both hotels we have stayed at have had trouble with having quarters. I even went for a walk to several local stores around the hotel and all of them had signs saying they would not give quarters on the weekends.
Anyway ... as you can see I'm bored.
Re: Rants from a hotel ...
Don't worry about taking him out. I'm sure tons of people thought and think I am a horrible mom for doing the same thing. My rationale was that hotels aren't exactly the cleanest places in the world anyway. We went out to dinner last night and took him in his carseat. We ate outside and the fresh air seemed to put him into a deep sleep.
?Totally agree on the washer and dryers. We took a lot of clothes thinking we had plenty for 2 weeks. Little boys seem to pee on everything so we did a few loads of wash at the hotel.?
Hang in there. The hotel part will be over soon. ?
What they all said.
And yay for your mom coming!
And ESPECIALLY Happy First Mother's Day.
OH I'm not worried about taking him out LOL - we have been out and about every day since his 4th day of life. Walmart was his first trip. I just WILL NOT take him to a public laundry mat. Our hotel room was wiped down completely with clorox and lysol lol
Unfortuantely, we did not have much time to prepare to travel since we hadn't planned to become parents for another month LOL