
New NICU Mommy...

Around 3 am thrusday morning my water broke and it started from there.  We got to the Med Center around 4 and they started meds to try to stop the labor.  Didn't work so much as I was dialating very quickly, they were coming whether we wanted them to yet or not.

Rowan was born at 1:41pm (2lbs, 12 ozs) and Hayden took her time (Ryan says she was primping for her big entrance) three hours later she arrived at 4:38 (3 lbs, 6ozs).

They are doing as well as 32-weekers can.  They of course are in the NICU getting help breathing and eventually eating.   They are breathing room air though ( I hear that is very good).

Hayden is not on a breathing tube any more just a mask...Rowan maybe heading that way this evening or tomorrow.  

Rowan is still dealing with a previous Dx that is very scary...They are looking very closely at his brain development.  It hasn't been looking normal since our 26th week Peri Appt.  Today's brain u/s confirmed the dx and then some.   The effects are any where from minor to very severe mental and or physical disabilities.  It is a waiting game...We won't really know until he gets a bit older and starts hitting or missing his milestones.  After today's u/s the Dr.s are less optimistic it seems.

Sorry to be such a downer...there are so many good things going on, this is all so sudden and all so bitter sweet.  I just needed to get some thoughts out.  DH and I are so overwhelmed with everything.  

I maybe leaning on your experience for the next few months.

Thanks girls!


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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers BFP 7/7/08, M/C 7/8/08, BFP 9/23/08, M/C 9/24/08, BFP 11/2/08 TWINS!,
Lost Our 10 month old Baby Boy Rowan 3/12/10 BFP 8/25/10

Re: New NICU Mommy...

  • Congrats on your bundles. Sounds like the breathing is going well (room air is good, yes!)

    Sorry to hear about the less-than-stellar brain news. Hopefully he can overcome it. There are a lot of miracle stories out there.

    Let us know if you have any questions or need to vent/cry/aw, whatever.


  • Congrats on your babies mama!  Welcome to the board, there are so many supportive women here that will be able to help you through your NICU time and beyond! 
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  • Welcome!  Lean on us whenever needed.  You will find so much support and advice in the caring women on this board.  There are so many inspirational stories here as well.  You may vent, ask advice but above all, we love to celebrate with you when your little miracles hit NICU milestones that only NICU mommies can understand the excitement of them.  Welcome and CONGRATS!!!
  • Congratulations! Welcome to our sucky sucks to be here but you're in good company. I am mama to a 32 weeker also.

    What are they saying about the brain? If they think their is an issue, did they mention what it could be? Is there a physical abnormality?

    Take care of yourself and keep us updated!

  • Welcome, and I will hope for the best for you and your little ones!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Welcome and congrats!!!!
  • shanrobshanrob member
    I just delivered last Thursday at 32 weeks as well. ?My LO was a little smaller than your babies, at 2lbs 9 oz. ?I also feel like it's bittersweet. ?I am so happy she is here, but I can't help but look at her and think how she should be growing and developing inside me still rather than her isolette. ?The first few days after her birth I don't really think the enormity of the situation had time to sink in and finally this week it did. ?I have cried alot and gotten disappointed with the setbacks that almost all NICU babies have. ?It is such a difficult time, but I'll get through it and you will too! ?God bless your little bundles and hang in there!
    BFP #1 - Chemical Pregnancy ----BFP#2 - DD born at 32 weeks-----BFP #3 Spontaneous Identical Twin Boys lost due to Missed M/C - on 7/1/11----BFP #4 Baby girl lost due to Trisomy 22 on 1/6/12 PGAL and PAL Always Welcome! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • congrats on the birth of your babies. ?take things one day at a time and revel in the miracles that are your children. ?i will keep both of them in my prayers...and i'll say extra prayers for rowan. ?welcome to the board and have a happy mother's day.
  • AidgeAidge member
    Congrats to you and your family! I am sorry to hear about your son's news, but take it one day at a time and remember that sometime babies surprise in ways we never thought possible!
  • Congratulations on your TWO little ones! My daughter was also born at 32 weeks and is now thriving. The NICU is a tough road, but we've all been there, and are here for you when times are hard! and when times are great to help you celebrate! I hope your little ones continue to do well and you do too...
  • Lacey-

    I am still thinking about and praying for you and your babies.  I'm so sorry to hear about this latest news about Rowan.  I know it's not what you were wanting to hear.  Please let me know if you want any of my clothes for Hayden.  You are more than welcome to them.  I have lots from my 2 girls.

    Mandy -Mommy to Madison Jo 10/11/06 & Macy Lynn 2/26/09 imageimage
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