

how did your LO's do last night?? I saw in my post from yesterday that yours STTN. Mine did ok last night. Both were down at 9:00 and L slept until 3:40. D woke up at 12:45 because he wouldn't eat at 8:30 when I tried to feed both of them...he thought is was play time. But he slept until 5:45 after that. Hope you guys had a good night too.

Re: mrskimmieD

  • That is great about L.  You can also try putting them down 20 - 30 minutes earlier because that may help them sleep longer.  I started to put mine down earlier around your boys age

    I knew it would be a one time thing.  They were asleep by 7:45 and both woke up at 4am for a bottle and then woke up for the day around 7:30am.  At least now I know my son can sleep through the night.  My daughter could probably STTN every night if she wasn't in the same room as my son but moving them is not an option right now.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Aubrey & Anthony
  • haha mine are movers and grunters...I am guessing that is why you think they would do better seperately....but they don't wake each other. Mine seem to scoot close together when I put them apart. When I put D back down it was a good 6-8" away from L and when I went in for L later they were snuggled up together again (it was soo cute). Here is to hoping we both get some more sleep tonight!!!
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