
Why does she insist on talking like a baby?

It's driving me insane. Please tell me it's some weird, random phase that will end soon. I tell her she's not a baby and she insists she is.

Re: Why does she insist on talking like a baby?

  • I attributed DD doing that to having DS around.  Guess not!  I just say if she is a baby then I'll give her babyfood, diapers and a crib.  Usually that snaps her out of it!  Or I point out things that she likes/does that babies can't do....walk, talk, have a sucker, etc.
  • hasn't stopped gwen stefani from building a career on it....gag.
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  • J*W*, maybe it's just this age. I know it would backfire on me b/c she'll tell me sometimes she wants her diaper or bottle. Wth? Just when  you think you get them figured out ...

    BoF, such a true observation.


  • Now see, the minute I say I'll feed her babyfood, she goes 'nooooooooooooooo' and runs off.  Weird.
  • I think it is just another part of imagination and pretend play, which is big at this age.  Unless she is talking to me seriously (asking for something or whatever), I play along because it helps that part of their thinking and is one of the only times when they can be in control.  It's no different than me acting liking the fairy godmother when she is trying to play princess with me.

    Now if she says, "Can I have a snack?" and talks like a baby...I tell her I will listen when she talks like a big girl.

  • LOL BoF!

    My DD does this too. I am a little suprised by it b/c I never talked baby talk to her - but I think it's part of the identity thing - I'm a baby/I'm a big girl and being into dollies now.

    It still drives me nuts, though. I'm going to use Josey's trick on her next time she does it to me.

  • See, Josey, that's what bothers me. She'll ask me for things like that. I ask her to use her big girl voice. I feel like I might confuse her b/c even though I never really did the baby talk either, I do play along with her when it's obvious she's just being silly. Thanks for making a good point. :-)


  • I would be strict on telling her that she can't have something unless she asks like a big girl... along those lines.

    My SD is 9 now, and she would randomly say things in a babyish way when she was 5 or 6, and we sort of ignored it. But when she was with us for Christmas this past year (nearly 9 1/2!) she decided it would be a good idea to try it again while we were playing a board game together. DH got really pissed and sent her to bed "like a baby" (after a warning, and a repeat of the behavior).

    I don't know if she was trying to get more attention or something, but it doesn't make sense, since we were doing something as a family, and she was getting plenty!

    I would just say GL and be firm whenever you can so that hopefully she loses the bad habit!!

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