Here's one of my favorites... someone took the ballon one that I like, I cry every time! So beyond all the sad, serious one that i have are a few other random ones...
It's one of the weirdest videos...ever. In fact I felt like I lost a few brain cells the first time I saw it...But the teens I volunteer with it watch it...and quote it...ALL THE I find myself quoting it...very sad. Even sadder (is that a word?) DH quotes it from time to time.
honestly, a bit crude, but i love Dane Cook. He cracks me up and we saw him live last week, so i go searching for his YouTube videos with the stick characters. They are hysterical. I am always laughing out loud by myself in my office!
Re: GTKYF: You tube videos
Shameless plug for the work I do....but I do think the commercial is good and evokes emotions. the match
grab the tissues. hits close to home.
This is a friend of mine at The Improv. He is hilarious!
Here's one of my favorites... someone took the ballon one that I like, I cry every time! So beyond all the sad, serious one that i have are a few other random ones...
My Aunt Jane knows more than my RE
While I was struggling with infertility, I found that alot of these things have been told to family and friends.
Charlie and the Unicorn
It's one of the weirdest videos...ever. In fact I felt like I lost a few brain cells the first time I saw it...But the teens I volunteer with it watch it...and quote it...ALL THE I find myself quoting it...very sad. Even sadder (is that a word?) DH quotes it from time to time.
White and Nerdy
DH is a computer guy, he finds this video halarious.
This one cracks me up every time:
ETA: I also can't forget Jeff Dunham:
I just saw this one and it made me giggle:
Mr. T: Treat Your Mother Right: