I know that you posted the other day about your DS's rash and I saw the pic. Did you take him to the pedi? What did your pedi say about it? DS has an awful diaper rash that looks similar. I know he got it because he pooped in his diaper (awful runny poop) when he was on the playground at daycare and sat in it for awhile in the 95 degree weather. His teachers are usually diligent about changing him because they know he goes poop whenever they go out to the playground in the afternoon. I was changing a dirty diaper everytime I picked him up so they were trying to catch it before I get there so I wouldn't have to change him before we left.
However, they didn't change it yesterday and when I did it looked like he had a chemical burn all over and he was screaming when I was trying to wipe the poop off. Obviously he was in a lot of pain. I was wondering what your pedi said and if he recommended you do anything for it. DS also uses Huggies so I'm wondering if I need to switch brands.