hi ladies. sorry i haven't posted in a while. things have been real busy with aaron and me trying to finish school (last day is tomorrow and graduation is a week from saturday!!). i've been trying to post on our blog regularly but want to post here as well since everyone has been so helpful and supporting over the past 8 weeks.
aaron has been doing very well since his pda ligation a few weeks. he is already up to 1250 grams. he is also tolerating his feeds and is up to 12cc/3 hrs. yesterday at 3am he decided to extubate himself. fortunately, his vent setting were pretty low anyway (15 breaths/min and 11/4 pressure) and they were considering taking the tube out in a few days. but aaron beat them too it and has been doing well on bipap. apparently he didn't even need much O2 support between the extubation and setting up the bipap. he's been having much less desats with the bipap. he looks so much more comfortable and has a lot less secretions, which is probably helping the desat situation. we've also been able to hold him a lot more since disconnecting him is not as big of a hassle anymore. the doctors are concerned with a blood clot in his head from the resolving IVHs that's preventing the CSF from draining properly. he is still too small for a shunt (needs to be 1500 grams) but luckily his head circumferance has been stable so there's no need for immediate concern or action. we continue to pray/hope that the clot will go away on its own.
i was hoping he'd be at my graduation but now we're aiming for father's day. what a nice present that will be for DH! here is a pic of aaron with bipap. i just love it when his big black eyes are open like that! '>
Re: Aaron Update
IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
Weishaars' World