I know he's busy at work and he's had some travel recently which is unusual.
But we have to decide if we're going to move house before the twins, or hang on and move after...though with only 2 bedrooms and DS not reliably staying in his I don't see how we can stay.
We have to plan what we need for the babies too.
And we have to organise the papers to get our family assistance payments (and some subsidised in home care since we're having multiples). Have to work out what childcare arrangements for DS if we're moving too far from where we live...
It's a lot to think about and organise and I can't do it all, both because he is the one who knows our financial constraints better and because he actually needs to sign things not to mention it would be nice if he helped make the decisions.
I could I suppose just sign his name, organise to break the lease, find a house....but I don't think that's right or that I should have to.
After this ultrasound and we know what we face he is getting a serious sit-down talk.
Re: I am so frustrated with DH at the moment...