
anyone an early childhood teacher or special ed. teacher?

Ever come across a student like this?

Michelle is a talker and a decent one too...sometimes has trouble saying what she is trying to say.

However she has a very hard time understanding what you are saying to her.  Example: she knows what a cow is & can point it out in pictures and she knows the cow says moo but if you were to ask her what goes moo she cant answer the question even if there's pictures of cows in front of her.

Her EI special ed. teacher says that is normally get their receptive language down first before they get their expressive language down....Michelle is the opposite.

If you had a child like this what difficulties did you have teaching and what can I expect as she gets older.

I never seen this kind of thing before even when I was a volunteer in the elementary school for 6 yrs.  any advice and suggestions are welcome as I try educate myself on this.

Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!

Re: anyone an early childhood teacher or special ed. teacher?

  • My mom is certified in early childhood with a masters (almost doctorate) in early childhood education.  She's been teaching for nearly 40 years and seen lots of learning problems.  Email me if you want me to ask her about Michelle.  erin at erinkathleen dot com.
  • I don't have my degree yet, but I'm an elementary ed. student. ?I will go back and read your OP, but are they basically just wanting to put her on an IEP in a regular classroom??

    I think that she will be fine as long as the teachers will work with her. ?It may be abnormal, but the fact that she knows what it is, is good. ?So it's not the way that 'the other' children learn, that means nothing. ?Every student learns in a different way, Michelle's may just be unique.


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  • I read your OP. ?I agree that she needs an Aide. ?I think that will work wonders for her, especially if her teachers don't have a lot of extra time for one-on-one. ?

    I'm glad that you're so on board with helping her! That will work out for her tremendously in the long run. ??

  • imageCiarrai:
    My mom is certified in early childhood with a masters (almost doctorate) in early childhood education.  She's been teaching for nearly 40 years and seen lots of learning problems.  Email me if you want me to ask her about Michelle.  erin at erinkathleen dot com.

    My laptop is dead and I dont have my email set up on dh's laptop but yeah please ask your mom what she thinks and then send me a PM.  Thank you soooo much.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • I was an EI teacher before I had my girls.  I didn't have any kids like that but it sounds like your EI teacher recognizes that she is a unique situation and will point you in the right direction.  It sounds like she has a pretty good vocabulary so it might not be her receptive language since she is obviously picking that up from you.  It might be more of a processing issue.  I think an aid would be a great resource for her once she's in a larger classroom setting. 

    When I was young and in school teachers usually assumed that everyone learned the same way.  I think that lots of teachers are realizing that this isn't the case.  Some kids are visual learners and some are auditory.  She may have a different way of learning but I'm sure she'll do great!

  • Sounds to me like less of a language issue per se than an auditory processing issue.  I don't necessarily think an aide is necessary down the road, but EI now would do wonders for her if they get her into a program.

    I've dealt with lots of kids with auditory processing issues, and just like any other child, you figure out what works for them and do it!  She will be fine!

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