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Uddercovers?has nursing covers (in Pink or Blue) for $32 - $33 coupon?slickdeal?+ $8 S/H =?$7.
Anyone have one? Are they decent? I've never heard of them before.?
You know...I don't think I could bring myself to wear an Udder Cover..
I mean why not just call it a cow cover because I was a big ole cow while nursing?
newlywedcauk:Um, is it crazy to order one when I'm not even pg yet? I already know the answer
If it is, then I'm crazy with you. I ordered one last month for free + $7 (s&h) from a link I found on the BFing moms board...
Re: Udder Covers (nursing cover) for $7 on
You know...I don't think I could bring myself to wear an Udder Cover..
I mean why not just call it a cow cover because I was a big ole cow while nursing?
If it is, then I'm crazy with you. I ordered one last month for free + $7 (s&h) from a link I found on the BFing moms board...