
End of pregnancy nausea...

Anyone else have a return of morning sickness towards the end of your pregnancy? In the past week or two, I've started feeling very sick to my stomach, especially after waking up or after naps, which is how my morning sickness presented too. I've mentioned it to my OB and he didn't say much. I have been eating a lot popcicles and liquids, b/c I truly can't stomach too much food at this point. Am I alone???
M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: End of pregnancy nausea...

  • I had really bad nausea at the end of my pregnancy with the girls.  It was mainly from the heartburn.  You may want to consider trying Tums or other heartburn meds and seeing if that helps with the nausea.

  • sdb421sdb421 member
    I actually just started on heartburn meds given to me by my doctor and it seems to be helping a little bit. The heartburn is much better, but I still do have some nausea...
    M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • YES!  Well, I actually never really stopped feeling nauseous, but I noticed myself throwing up more (maybe 2 - 3 times a week) towards the end.  Yuck!

    Glad to hear the hb meds are helping some!

  • sdb421sdb421 member
    Thanks Sara! While it doesn't make me feel any better, I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who felt this way!!
    M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I was about to write this same post today. The last few days, I wake up and am nausea! After an hour or so, I am fine. I don't actually get sick but feel like I will. I am going to ask my dr about it tomorrow. I will let you know what she says
  • With my DD I had m/s return in 3rd tri.  Unfortunately this time around my m/s hasn't gone away yet.
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