I do not know what I am going to do with my son. He has such a volatile personality. He bites Josselyn every day, drawing blood twice this week. He pulled out a chunk of her hair today. He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her out of the toy box. He slams her fingers in the door, he pushes her down the slide. I am seriously going to talk to my pedi about taking him to a behavioral therapist if there is such a thing for a 19 month old. We do not have anger in our home. We couldn't be nicer happier parents. They are raised with love and respect. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I can not turn my back for fear he will hurt his sister. He spits, bites, throws. I am at my wits end. Does anyone have any advice for me? We have tried time outs, etc. I just feel like such a failure. I want to cry. It just does not seem like normal behavior to me. He is constantly screaming and throwing tantrums. I think I am raising the devils spawn. What do I do??? Thank Sweet Jesus in heaven for my angel daughter, without her I do not know what I would do. Jax can be the sweetest angel in the world, but he can turn in a second. I am going to buy some books online about raising a strong willed toddler, as well as talk to his pedi at our appt on Monday.
Thanks for listening, any advice would be great.
Re: Raising a strong willed toddler
Aww Jess!
I don't have any advice for you but I just wanted to send you a hug and let you know that you are a great mom and NOT a failure. He's probably just trying to figure out the world's boundaries- this is all new to him.
HUGS to you and I hope someone else has some good advice.
I don't have specific advice for you but there is a such think as a behavior analyst and behavioral therapy. It is genreally associated with ABA which is a type of behavioral therapy. I am sure this is so stressful and I hope that things get better soon for your entires families sake.
Hey Hon,
I am sure I will be writing a similar post in a few months. Rowan is definately an independant spirit. He is such a boy it is scary. He plays too rough with his sister and sometimes just his presence makes her cry.
He really is a sweet boy, just VERY mature for his 12 months. We are just starting to realize that it is difficult to discipline a 1 year old. Tonight at dinner he refused to sit in his high chair and SCREAMED like a maniac just because he knew he could.
No real advice but yes, talk to your pedi and in the meantime love him all you can!