it's one more potty training question and then i'll stop whining about it.
M started pt'ing on her own freewill. The babysitter (R) was very enthusiastic about getting her started. I was just happy she actually showed interest. The first 2 weeks were great.
Then, she started telling R that she had to go potty and M wouldn't get up and run to the potty. Therefore, she would have accidents before she even made it. According to R, she had something in her hands or was holding a baby...something. R feels that it was just a lack of excitement/interest on M's part.
After that she had the poo flu and accidents were happening even more frequently.
Today is the first day M is in pull-ups b/c she's had so many accidents for R and won't tell her at all if she has to go anymore. She tells me about 50/50 - that used to be a much higher percentage.
She wears undies to bed for naps and bedtime and wakes up dry.
Do I stick with the pull-ups? keep doing what we're doing and deal with the accidents? just lay off and use diapers? i'm frustrated b/c my sitter is going to stay with pull-ups no matter what i do. i understand this to an extent but it doesn't seem to help the overall situation (imo). please help.
Re: do i give up?
Was she in pull ups all along, or undies? Whatever she was in, I would stick with it. Sickness can set them back and its tough when they are just learning anyway. My DS had been trained for 2 months and then he got sick and had a pretty big setback. I wanted to go back to diapers but forced myself to push through it, and so glad I did. Anyway, I think its fantastic that she is telling you even 50% of the time at this point - that great! Stick with the undies or pullups and just keep an eye on her and take her to the potty if its been too long and she hasn't told you yet. As far as the babysitter goes, I'd say if this is someone you pay to watch your DD and DD is the only one she has, then she needs to follow your wishes. If its a group setting, I guess there's not a ton you can do, but you could certainly express your desire and goal and reiterate to her that sickness can cause setback and you want her to help DD through this short rough phase.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}