
Started crying thinking of saying goodbye to DS when I go to hospital...

how am i going to do it?  Leave him at my sister's house for 4+ days... knowing that his life will be so different when I return?

Just thinking about it I was weeping in my car today.... Oh man, this is going to be rough!

I know it's going to be great for him to have 2 brothers... but he won't know that for a while... maybe years... ugh. I am so sad for my little boy... and i'm going to miss him SO much! 

wah :(

Re: Started crying thinking of saying goodbye to DS when I go to hospital...

  • I bawled the same way! My poor son only came to the hospital once and he was jumping all over me, so we decided to keep him at my in-laws for the rest of the time we were there (4 nights!) I couldn't wait to come home to see him. I was a blubbery mess when I finally walked in the door and got to hug him again. I feel for you. It's so hard those first few weeks trying to juggle everyone (well, it's still hard 4 months later...)?
  • You'll be able to do it!  We had to leave my 2 1/2 year old son with my in-laws...We called and talked with him and had him up to the hospital to visit....He was super happy about his brothers and enjoys them now as well...You'll be amazed at how big you think your older son has gotten, just because the babies are so small!
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  • oh I was a MESS when my brother & SIL came and picked up DS the night before my c/s. I didn't let him see me that way but, I was really upset. I don't have any advise on how to make it easier but I know exactly how you feel. {{HUGS}}
  • I feel the exact same way.
  • As I read your post, I thought of being in the hospital with my boys and I started to cry. :-)

    Is he able to come and visit while you're there? When I had the boys, my husband would go home with her at night and then they'd come back in the morning. During the days, she'd sometimes go with grandparents or walk the halls, but I was still able to see her a tiny bit. Although it was definitely hard to say goodbye to her at night.

    Just remember that in the whole scheme of things, it is a very short time. With my daughter, we also packed up a backpack of special toys/treats that she got to open once the babies were here so she knew how special she was too. :-)

  • Wow...I never thought of that. But you know what, what a happy, good reason to be saying good're bringing him two baby brothers when you get back :) AWWWWWEEEEE
  • I know that feeling. And what really got me was that when I went to the hospital she was still this little baby to me, but then I saw her next to the new babies and all of a sudden she was a little girl. It was like she grew up in one day and it just made me cry.
    I won't lie, the first few months were so stressful and crazy I think I blocked them from memory to save my sanity. But, mine are now best, best friends. They love and adore one another and play together and have the best time. So don't think of it as years until he will be happy. It will be far less and the time will fly past!
  • I am with you.  DD is definitely a mom's girll.  I am battling a bit if guilt; in the grand scheme of things, I am so thrilled we are giving her 2 siblings so close in age, but a bit of me fears that my awesome happy little girl won't be so very happy about this...
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  • Ahhh!!  I hadn't even thought of that.  I don't want to leave my baby.  I'm getting teary eyed just thinking of it.  And like LoveEeyore I know eventually my daughter will love her little sisters, but I'm afraid I'm going to cause her so much pain initially. 
  • I understand fully what you are saying!  I just can't even begin to prepare myself.  Harmon and I are just SOOO close and I will be giving birth to the cupcakes in the neighboring city so we dunno if he will be able to even visit me Crying  The doctor even mentioned they may have to early hospitalize me b/c of the previa... when I do come back I will be sick and the house will be buzzing w/twins... ugh!

    Hang in there and try not to think of it!  That is all I can do.

    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • dec13thdec13th member

    oh no!  Just keep thinking about the positives!  He'll bond with your sis and her family!!

     And, having 2 brothers will be so fun!!



    I thought you weren't finding out.  Did I miss an update?

  • imagedec13th:

    oh no!  Just keep thinking about the positives!  He'll bond with your sis and her family!!

     And, having 2 brothers will be so fun!!



    I thought you weren't finding out.  Did I miss an update?

    Me?  I knew it was 2 boys since my 12w US :)

    He loves my sister and her family - and they love him- so i know he'll have a great time there.... I'm just going to miss him so much!

    I know we'll all get through and i'm sure i'll be so busy/tired i won't be thinking too much about it... it's probably worse now just anticipating being away from him :)

  • I can imagine Gail. ?Life is going to change for him and I'm sure you will miss him those few days and worry how he will adjust etc. ?Hugs!!!
  • I am going on my third week in the hospital and it doesn't get any better.  I just keep telling myself my 2 year old will never remember me being away, but I see how it is affecting his everyday like.  In short, it sucks every day!!  I feel your pain!
  • Well a bright side is that with a c section you'll be able to plan for it. If you had a vag birth you wouldn't know when it might happen, and it would be much harder having to get up and leave him in the middle of the night.

     What's your DH doing? My mum will come down and stay with us, and will certainly be there for DS and I like that he'll be able to stay in his own room etc, but really I expect DH will be home a lot and I'll be with the bubs. I'm not DS's only parent kwim? I can share the responsibilities and halve the guilt :-)


  • I have cried my fair share this week while in the hospital without my DD. Its so hard to send her home after she visits  knowing I won't be there but my family has been great taking care of her. Plus it seems that so far it has been much harder on my DH and I than it has been on her to be away from us. I hope it stays that way but I miss her so much.
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