
DD cries to be held all the time - need advice!

DD cries to be held all the time...once I pick her up she is fine. This has been hard especially with twins! I am concerned b/c I don't want to start this bad habit early on. However, I don't want her to feel like her needs aren't met. I've tried to let her cry it out for a little while but that usually doesn't work. Any advice???

Re: DD cries to be held all the time - need advice!

  • i have one that has started doing the same thing the last few weeks - i can't wait to see some answers to this one!
  • I think she's a little young to form habits (though not by much). Have you considered doing some babywearing?
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Your little one is too young to start forming habits. If she is crying, it is because she needs something. Her needs are for food and clean diapers, but also for cuddles and reassurance. Like pp suggested, baby wearing can be great for calming her and still allowing you to do things.

     Even those who advocate CIO don't suggest doing that until they are at least 6 months, and only in relation to getting them to sleep. If she is rested and still crying, it means she needs something and you should just go ahead and hold her if that is what makes her feel better.

     You can't spoil them when they are that little. Just give her a little extra love and she'll grow past this phase.

  • I actually "wore" one of my babies a lot at that age, he just really liked to be held.  The other was content to hang out so when I needed to get stuff done I'd strap on my bjorn and take him around with me.  Of course I held the other one too, it was actually easy to wear one and carry the other.  My pedi told me that at that age it's too early to develop bad habits or spoil them, I guess that doesn't start until after 6 months or so.  So, there is nothing wrong with holding her right now. 

    FWIW: Will (the one who I wore at the beginning) is now very independent, sometimes even more so than his brother...although that switches on and off.  So, don't be too worried about spoiling right now.

    Good luck! 

  • My DS is like that, even still.  He's very clingy and he'd cry whenever I put him down or left the room he would wail.  There was a certain amount of CIO I had to let him do (like you I didn't want to develop a bad habit), but I also found AP to be very helpful.  I bought an Ergo Baby carrier and having him in it with me while I do stuff has made a world of difference.  Even now I still have to put him in it a couple times a day when he's clinging to my pants while I'm trying to make lunch and need to run around like a mad woman.  When I do put him down after he's been in the carrier, he's much easier going, almost like he got his fill and no longer feels neglected.  Your kids are so young I doubt that you'd be setting bad habits up now, but as they get older you might want to try to let her CIO a couple times a day and just go longer in between times when you finally pick her up, kwim?  As she gains more independance and mobility it will get easier too, b/c she won't need you as much for entertainment.  Also, my kids went through seperation anxiety early, between 4 and 7 months, so it was especially hard for me to have to try and hold/snuggle one or two while the others had to buck up and CIO.  This too will pass!  Hang in there!  Snuggle and love her while you can.  : )  Good luck!  HTH!
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