at 11w it's probably just gas. Gas bubbles feel VERY similar to baby movements- esp early on. I didn't realize how similar it was until I delivered my son -and was still feeling "kicks" - even though he was born, lol... it was just gas.
most 1st time moms don't feel movement until about 15-20w. With my DS I felt him for sure at 15w... and same with the twins- though at 12w I thought I might have felt flutters- but who knows.
at 11w it's probably just gas. Gas bubbles feel VERY similar to baby movements- esp early on. I didn't realize how similar it was until I delivered my son -and was still feeling "kicks" - even though he was born, lol... it was just gas.
same thing happened to me. ha ha ha! i didn't feel the boys until after 20 weeks. or maybe i did and i just thought it was gas. they really do feel exactly the same. hee hee!
I felt them at 11w!! The bubble pops. People thought I was crazy until I felt it in the hospital the next week-- we were having an US and I was feeling the pops. I watched and felt them at the same time. It was freaking badass.
I'm 16 weeks now and this week I started feeling some definite movement, I am pretty sure at least. I keep feeling tiny jabs (or I guess you could call them bubble pops) in the same couple spots. I also feel a pressure in a certain spot and I wonder if that is movement, like the baby rolling or something. I can't wait to feel so real kicks and punches!
I wanted to post the same question! According to my due date, I'm only 12 weeks but, according to my US yesterday, I'm 13 weeks today - still "early" to feel anything but, at night when I lay down on the couch, I swear I feel a turning sensation. It's not like popcorn popping like with my previous 2 but, more like a twisting or rolling.
Re: humor me.... movement?
at 11w it's probably just gas. Gas bubbles feel VERY similar to baby movements- esp early on. I didn't realize how similar it was until I delivered my son -and was still feeling "kicks" - even though he was born, lol... it was just gas.
most 1st time moms don't feel movement until about 15-20w. With my DS I felt him for sure at 15w... and same with the twins- though at 12w I thought I might have felt flutters- but who knows.
same thing happened to me. ha ha ha! i didn't feel the boys until after 20 weeks. or maybe i did and i just thought it was gas. they really do feel exactly the same. hee hee!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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I felt them at 11w!! The bubble pops. People thought I was crazy until I felt it in the hospital the next week-- we were having an US and I was feeling the pops. I watched and felt them at the same time. It was freaking badass.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
I wanted to post the same question! According to my due date, I'm only 12 weeks but, according to my US yesterday, I'm 13 weeks today - still "early" to feel anything but, at night when I lay down on the couch, I swear I feel a turning sensation. It's not like popcorn popping like with my previous 2 but, more like a twisting or rolling.
could it be??