Haha! Had an email from a friend in London. She has 6 month old triplets (spontaneous fraternals and not the only multiples in her family). She also has a 5 year old who I don't think was with her (not quite clear).
Anyway - some guy chatted her up at the tube station. Started by offering to carry the stroller, then kept following her and finally asked for her phone number "next time she has a sitter"...!!
She said "don't you think with 3 small babies I might just be still working out with their father? Or do I look like a total whore to you?"
I would just have loved to see that guy's face.
Re: Friend of mine was hit on while out with triplets!
OMG, that is too funny!
Whenever I get hit on now I just want to look at them and say "I HAVE TWINS!"
That's pretty funny. And a nice ego boost for her!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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