I do not care if the house is not completely perfectly clean and picked up.
I do not care if the laundry is piled to the ceiling.
I do not care if their are dishes in the sink.
I do not care if I cannot get EVERYTHING done at once....
Tonight I cooked dinner and then my dh, dd and I went in the hot tub and spent 2 hours soaking. It was fun, relaxing and a good ole family time. I really need to stop worrying about all the silly things. We both work full time, and have limited time as a family. I think there are far more imporntant things in life to enjoy. All the other things will get done when they get done!
OK...end of rant! Have a wonderful night ladies!
Re: OK...so this is what I have come up with tonight...
MMML - I am sure she peed in the hot tub, but that is what chlorine is for.
Summer - I have had a very difficult time just letting things go, but I just cannot do it all and worrying about it is hurting everyone. Soooo....I give up. I am just going to enjoy the simple things and everything else will come in time.....I hope!
OK, at least I don't feel paranoid anymore. Sorry, that's way beyond my ick factor. Glad you enjoyed though! And I agree...
"There's really not need to do housework. After a few years it doesn't get any worse."
My mum has that on a fridge magnet and I love it.
Not that I never do it but it definitely isn't a priority.