
Wish me luck tonight with DD.

She's 5 months old, and I am going to try to put my cosleeping princess into the PNP for the night. She is uber-attached to mama, and I don't know how this is gonna go.

She's been 4 month regressing and growth spurting (grew 1 3/4 inches in the last month!), but I think the proximity of the boob in the bed is causing more night waking than is strictly necessary.

I give it maybe 3 hours. LOL

AKA KnittyB*tch
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008


Re: Wish me luck tonight with DD.

  • Darn those cuddly little December babies.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Good luck!  She just might surprise you!  I coslept with DS until he was 22 months and the transition to his own bed went MUCH better than I ever anticipated.  Granted, he didn't truly sleep through the night until the last month or so, but it happened!

    It's hard to NOT want to snuggle with them, though! :)

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  • Good luck! 

    Can't remember the age (2ish mos?) but we transitioned from next to Mama in bed to the car seat next to the bed with DD2.  For a couple weeks she'd wind up in bed with me at some point during the night.

    Then I moved to her bedroom on a mattress on the floor, her in the car seat next to it (around 3 months).  Then to her crib (around 4 months)--me still on the mattress on the floor.

    I left her room for good around the time she was 6 months old because she was FINALLY only waking once or twice per night.  Before that it was a LOT.

    She's been an exhausting one on the sleep front!  DD1 was STTN around 2 weeks old (yes, we KNEW we were spoiled) and in her crib for 12+ hours per night--no waking--by the time she was 10 weeks old.  We never coslept with her.

    Slowly, but surely it happens.  It is just an exhausting process--GOOD LUCK!!!

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