Mary Catherine has been asking to wear one of her two night gowns just about every night.
They are a little small and I would love to get her more but I can't find any that are 100% cotton. The ones she has now are from a trip my mother made overseas a couple of years ago and I can't find them online .
If your daughter wears night gowns where do you buy them?
Re: Night gowns?
The ones I've seen at Target, Gymbo, etc all see to have synthetics in them. I would like to stay aways from that.
You cannot buy little girl night gowns in cotton. There are regulations for sleepwear. Cotton sleepwear has to be tight fitting, and loose fitting sleepwear has to be flame retardent (typically polyester ). Obviously a night gown falls into the "loose fitting" category.
I'm sure it's "fine", I would just like to stick to natural fibers for her sleep wear. The thought of having to wear a polyester nightgown in the middle of a hot summer night...blech.
The flame retardent regulation makes sense, guess that's why I can't find these anywhere.
Thank ladies.
If you want cotton, and you have a sewing machine, they aren't too tough to sew.
That's not a bad idea. I might have to break out the ol' sewing machine.