
Anyone have PCOS?

I was just diagnosed with PCOS this week.

 If you have PCOS did you have a difficult time becoming pregnant?  Do you take metaformin?  Did you take it while pregnant? Where you able to breast feed?

I have so many questions but am most concerned with the fertility issues at this point.


Re: Anyone have PCOS?

  • a few friends have it... one was on clomid for her first pg, had an easy time getting pg with #2, another was on metformin and clomid to get pg, took about 4 or 5 months on it.  and a third had so much trouble (think there were other factors on top) she had to do IVF.  the first and third were able to produce well and bf.... the middle had trouble, but also didn't have a lot of support in her area to keep trying, so quit bf'ing fairly early.  I don't think any of them took metformin during pg. I know the middle friend had spotting issues throughout. 


    good luck. hope you get some good advice. have you tried the trouble ttc board?  


    good luck!

  • I was diagnosed w/ PCOS almost 8 years ago.  I was on b/c to regulate my periods so I went undiagnosed for a while.  I went on Metaformin as soon as we started trying to concieve and it took us four months.  DD # 2 came on the first month of trying and without the metformin.  I was not able to breastfeed, but I don't know that it had anything to do with the PCOS.  My DD would not latch on and my milk never fully came in.  I did not attempt BFing w/ DD #2.

    PCOS has a lot of different symptoms and behaves differently for everyone.  For some people it impacts fertility and for some people it is no problem.  I worried alot before we actually started trying.  The PCOS has been more of an issue for me now that we are done having kids.  I am having a really difficult time losing baby weight, especially around my waist because of the pcos.  My periods are also very unpredictable.

    There are lots of really helpful websites out there for women w/ PCOS.  It is definitely managable w/ help from your doctor.  Good luck!

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  • I should add that I got lots of different advice about staying on the metformin after getting a BFP.  Some doctors will have you stay on it through the first trimester.  I went off of it as soon as I found out I was pregnant.
  • I've had PCOS since I was about 16.  I could be the poster child. I ended up gettting pregnant by "accident" (we weren't actively trying because I had been told by numerous doctors I would not be able to conceive without fertility treatment).  I took metformin for years for diabetes, which is probably what helped me get pregnant, and I continued to take it while I was pregnant. I didn't BF because I had to take other medication that would have passed into my milk and could have harmed my son.

    I'm running to a meeting now, but feel free to ask any other questions. I've lived with PCOS practically my whole life.

    Bottom line:  lots of women w/ PCOS get pregnant!

  • Thanks for all of the info ladies!

  • My cousin has it. She was put on Clomid and she her dh had a baby girl who will be 2 this summer. Her dh also had fertility issues so they both had to be treated. She was on oral Clomid I think, they were just about to start her on injections when she found out she was pg.
  • I have it. I take the Met and Dexamethazone. We only found it because I have been TTC for over a year now. Went to the Dr. on cyle 10 and am on cycle 14. I am taking clomid this cycle.

    I was also told to cut back on the refined carbs and when I do get pregnant I need to take it for the first trimester. Have no experience with BF'g though.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I'm pretty sure I've always had it.  I've never had a "normal" cycle.  I had TTTC #1.  I went to a RE and took Met (did nothing for me) and Clomid and conceived on my second clomid cycle.

    I was surprised to conceive #2 unexpectedly after being off BCPs for 2 months.

    I  don't see the connection to BFing.  I had some trouble, but it was nothing that isn't typical. 

  • My BF question was based on having to take metaformin not just while ttc but after the baby is born.  Metaformin passes through the breast milk.

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