
thank you gift ideas

We live in the burbs of Chicago and I had Logan in the city (which is about 40 minutes away).  Of course this didn't seem like that big of a deal when I thought I would go in deliver my baby and get discharged two days later!  My amazing girlfriend let us stay with her and her hubby for 3 weeks so that we could be close to the hospital.  They wanted us to stay with them the entire time LJ was in the NICU but my DH was VERY allergic to their dog so we stayed in hospital housing.  So, to get to the point, we still haven't given them a thank you gift!  She is a very giving friend...and very creative in her gift giving!  They are now expecting their first baby and I am thinking of getting them a gift along the lines of "you helped us when our son came, now here is something to help you when your boy comes..."  Any ideas?  So far I have thought of getting their diaper bag and filling it with must haves (thoughts/ideas??) or pampers gift certificates but those just don't seem that thoughtful?  TIA!
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