We have been pting for a month now. She has the pee down, I can't remember the last time she had a pee accident. However, she has yet to poop in the potty, not even once. We went to the store and she picked out a toy that she could have when she pooped. She was excited about it for about a week and now it just sets there in the box. We did one day where she sat there with a nintendo DS and "watched a movie" for about 1/2 hr. Another time I put a movie in the laptop and let her watch it for about 45min. We have done books and treats and every thing I can think of.
What do I do next.
Re: What my other options to get her to poop on the potty?
I would stay in panties. I would also avoid hanging out on the potty just trying to catch it. . . if she doesn't understand the sensation (ie: you stay there long enough so it's just a lucky catch) you haven't really gained that much.
Keep reminding her of that great prize. . . or maybe think of an even greater prize.
And remind yourself that she's still young.
Does she poop on a schedule? Or have obvious I'm pooping now signs?
If so, can you just catch her about to poop and set her on the potty?
This is how we started with DD. She tends to poop 2x a day though so it wasn't too hard to catch her. In the evening we'd yank her out of the bathtub when she started making bubbles, set her on the potty and she'd poop. She just got used to it.
We do have a basket of books to ready while on the potty, but I don't use them to try to keep her there. When she says she's all done, I help her down whether she's gone potty or not.