
Zoey is coming home!!!!!

Zoey is scheduled for discharge home tomorrow, 5/5/09!!! This morning began the whirlwind of preparations for Zoey's departure from the NICU. I met with the team this morning and went over the discharge plans, follow up appointments, and agenda for the final day in the NICU. Zoey finally had the feeding tube removed from her nose this morning, so her whole face is finally only her smile. :) All feedings are by bottle now, and Zoey took 55 cc's for me with no problems at her 10:30 a.m. feeding. The nurse will give Zoey the car seat test this afternoon, and most likely a hearing test will also be done this afternoon or tomorrow morning. We  are packing up the rest of Zoey's clothes and goodies this evening, so tomorrow we can focus on just getting home with Zoey. The discharge will most likely occur in the afternoon or early evening once everything is complete. What an awesome day...with many more to come!

I am also proud to share that I sent out this additional note via Zoey's Carepage:

Thank you to everyone for the tremendous support through our journey in the NICU. We are looking forward to this very special homecoming, and the first time being together as a family in one home. We are asking our loved ones to respect our wishes for privacy in the upcoming weeks as we transition to life with Zoey. Well wishes via phone, mail, and email are appreciated, but we will not be taking visitors at our home at this time. We appreciate your patience as Zoey and her new family take this private time to heal together. Updates will continue... Stay tuned!

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