No, I'm not scheduling it yet! ?I just had my 6 week follow up and got the go ahead for exercise. ?After 10 weeks on bedrest and 6 weeks at home with my boys, I'm READY!
Still, I know my body, and I'm looking at it and I know what it's capable of recovering from. ?I only gained 46 pounds in my pregnancy, and I've lost all but about 10 of that. ?(Also, I was a good 30 pounds overweight when I got pregnant) But, like I know many MoMs discovered, my body is nowhere near what it was prepregnancy. ?
I have no problem with getting a little "work" done once we decide we're done having kids (probably one more pregnancy is all I can handle...). ?I'm not talking bikini bod; I just want to be able to be intimate with my husband with confidence (and maybe go back to not having to wear a bra to bed... ). ?I was talking to DH about it last night and lamenting over the cost, and he said "we can go into debt for plastic surgery." ?At first I was nearly offended, thinking he meant he thinks I'm disgusting (!!), but he reassured me that it's important to him that I feel good about myself and my body. ?So I'm wondering, have you thought about/looked into getting any work done? ?What would you do? ?Would you be honest about it to people or would you keep it to yourself?
I'm just wondering where I sit on the spectrum...?
Re: Post Twins Body: Will you have plastic surgery?
I'm afraid of what my body will look like post twins - i'm not young and my stomach did not snap back so great after just one baby - so i'm expecting a lot of "twin skin" flab just hanging there.
DH has already told me he's happy to use one of his bonuses to pay for a tummy tuck if I want one - like your Dh- not b/c he cares- but b/c he wants me to be happy with my own body. I figure I'll do it in a couple years- when the twins are older and don't need to be picked up a lot - so i can recoup easier, etc.
Oh god yes! I've always had D-cups and I knew forever ago that once I was done having kids they'd be down to my knees (LOL) so I always said I'd get a lift after kids. Now I'm thinking tummy tuck may need to get thrown in there too. But first I have to find a new job...
Think my surgery will be the lonely one here. I had a small B-cup, and now they are deflated raisens from pumping and whatever else. Seriously...what the heck happened there??
I would love to get breast implants (nothing major...some handfuls back would be nice) but dh is reeeeaaally against it... so who knows...?
One of my SIL just had plastic surgery done after having 4 kids (no multiples, but still). She had a breast aug/lift and a tummy tuck and she looks great and is very happy with the results. I don't think her recovery was all that bad either and she's 40 and her youngest is 2 1/2yo.
After seeing her process, I am definitely more open to ps. I hope I won't need it, though my DDs are already sagging and I havn't even had the babies yet or bf!
Oh, and as far as telling people is concerned, I think I would be open with family & friends.
I still remember the pain of my c-section and recovery so I don't plan on doing anything for years but yes, I will eventually have something done. I suspect I can have insurance cover part of it due to severe muscle separation and I think I am getting a hernia at my belly button - well, I don't even have a belly button now.
I really don't want to spend the rest of my life looking pregnant and my back hurts a lot.
no way jose... i'm a super wuss and there's no way i'd do a voluntary surgery.
i even stay away from doctors as much as possible... i think the one exception is that i do occasionally give blood just because i have a superwoman friend who does it every 6 weeks (or how ever often you can) who guilts me into it.
but getting put under and cut? no thank you! it's saggy tummy and stretch marks for me. my husband still thinks i'm cute so i'm cool with it
OMG, this is hilarious! I'm sad to say that I'm quite familiar with this scenario. I would love to have a breast reduction/lift, I just need to get the guts to do it. Having enough money to do it wouldn't hurt either
I have had an apron tummy since my daughter, only to get worse with the twins. I plan on a tummy tuck once we are 100 percent sure we aren't having anymore, I don't think we plan on to. My small Bs now point south, so a tummy tuck and a boob job, just to a nice C cup is in order maybe this time next year. I need them walking so I don't have to lift as much b/c you can't after a boob job for a few weeks.
TOTALLY going to have work done as soon as we can aford it. On the menu:
Lipo or something done with my tummy (I have some abdominal seperation)
Lipo on thighs
Lipo under chin (that has been a long term, not baby problem)
I am such a big baby about elective pain so no.?Plus I'd wait at least 5 years to see what my true post baby body looks like.But DH watched a show on women who had various procedures due to being unhappy about their PP bodies and he said, "if you want to get something done, go for it, I'd never want you feeling that bad about your body, ever".?
We still want one more baby and my only concern is my pelvic muscles. They still don't feel as strong as they should be.?
my exact menu! i will most definely be getting work done as soon as we are done having babies....absolutely no hesitation there
Funny! I have always told DH that I wanted some work done after having kids. I would love a boob lift/implants & a tummy tuck! My DH supports whatever I want to do, but has told me he will think I'm beautiful no matter what. But I just feel like I will need to do it for me.
Before I get anything done, I will diet and hit the gym with a personal trainer. I've always been into working out and running, so I will do that for a while, and see what happens. But I just have a feeling I'll have all the extra belly skin just hanging there. And well my boobs, I am sure they will just be down to my belly button when I'm done breast feeding!
If I get anything done, we will probably tell some people, but not others. But it really depends.