Last night DH and I made strawberry shortcakes for dessert. They were so yummy I just asked him to put together another one for me with all the leftovers.
I gave him very clear instructions to microwave the "biscuit" for a min to warm it up before putting the topping on.
Yeeeeeeah... i was just handed a blazing hot bowl with a glob of yuck in it. He put the strawberries and whipped cream on the shortcake and stuck the whole thing in the microwave for a whole 3 minutes!!! AHHHHH!
I'm a little afraid to try it!!
Re: How to ruin a Strawberry Shortcake...
::shakes head:: nothing worse than a ruined dessert.
That does sound really gross, especially the microwaved whipped cream. What a waste of strawberries, yum!
DD1: 9 DD2: 6
Due date Aug 3, 2019
My husband has some really great qualities but this obviously isn't his strong suit. I have to give him major kudos though because he has really been working hard to learn how to bake from scratch.
He has made some great apple pies (with some core in it) and oatmeal cookies (and proceeded to tell me he used the first recipe he could find online which happend to call for a whole cup of crisco and a stick of butter.) He is slowly learning since I've become his biggest/only critic.