
Breastfeeding Multiples

Anyone on here decide not to breastfeed?  I'm still undecided but think that it will be too demanding for me and am leaning towards formula..
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Re: Breastfeeding Multiples

  • I am breastfeeding my twins. I know there are girls here that decided not to and are perfectly happy and so are their LO's. My thought was that I was going to try it and see how it went before making the decision to FF (and this is my suggestion to you). Now I am glad that I am BFing, even though it can be very demanding (at times) I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to make and heat up a bottle and we are saving a TON of money because it is free Big Smile. What ever decision you make, make sure you have lots of support!!
  • I'll argue to the opposite side. Yes, it is a lot of work in the beginning. However, there are so many benefits, and once you get past the first few weeks I think nursing is far easier than bottle feeding. You never have to prepare and wash bottles, you don't have to buy formula, you are always ready and able to feed if the need arises.
    Each person has to make their own decision, and only you can know what is right for you. However, I think that attempting to breastfeed can answer any questions you have about it, and you'll know for sure whether or not to continue. If you never try, you'll never know.
    After saying all that - formula fed babies do just as well and turn into wonderful, beautiful, smart children just as often, so if you don't do it, your children will still be just fine. :)
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  • I was hesitant to try because someone told me if you start and then stop it you could get an infection when your milk dries up...has anyone else heard of this?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Anytime you have a baby and your milk comes in you can get the infection they are referring to - it is called mastitis. I had a very severe case while I was nursing my first DD. It is caused by clogged milk ducts that become infected. If you are aware of the symptoms and wean from nursing carefully, keeping an eye out for any clogged ducts you can easily avoid it. If you do get mastitis, it can be treated with simple antibiotics.
    I was very scared to try, because all I had heard were bad stories and how hard nursing was. I'm so glad I did try - I ended up nursing my first for 16 months and am still nursing the twins at 14 months. I took weaning slowly with her as I am with them and had a really great, fulfilling experience. It doesn't work out for everyone, but don't let others dissuade you from trying if you think you might want to. You won't get another chance to see if it works for you, you know?
  • I haven't heard that.  People do get mistitus but I don't think that's caused only from stopping, I think it can happen at any time and it doesn't happen to everyone who breastfeeds.  I agree with pps about giving it a shot.  I was only able to nurse for 8 weeks and then had supply issues so I had to switch to formula.  My babies are no worse off for having had formula for so long but I'm glad I was at least able to nurse for the 2 months I did.  It's completely your decision.  Formula fed babies turn out just fine. 
  • I did it for 6 weeks.  It was a living hell, so I stopped.

    But, one of my babies never latched, so I was nursing, pumping, supplementing... if both had nursed, it would have been much easier.

    Give it a try for a month at least if you feel like it's something you might want to do, and if it gets to be too much, give up and never look back.  That's my advice :)

  • thank you for all for responding about the mastitis.... i never heard of it before at least now i know its not because of trying to breastfeed and stopping...i guess i still have time to decide i probably wont make up my mind until last minute and my DH will have to run out and buy the breast pump!!
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  • Well I plan on at least trying. I want to stick with it for 4 weeks and if it isn't working, then I will move to formula. I really want BFing to work because it is free. My ultimate goal is to make it to 6 months, which I feel is doable. Perhaps you can set small goals for yourself, like I have? I don't think that is true about starting then stopping. From what I hear, you can get infections or other kinds of problems whether you ever BF or not, but I will just deal with that when/if it comes. I have also bought some BFing books (one is for twins, specifically) and will attend some BFing meetings, including one from a MoM club. This way I will be as educated as I can so I can work on problems that arise with the babies or with myself and hopefully quickly correct them. Good luck! I definitely think it is worth a try! But don't feel bad if it doesn't work, because it is hard to BF just one!
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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