LMAO they're goats and she was feeding them. So, one was practically chewing her hand to get the food pellet.
That freakin' giraffe molested my son! lol Damn thing kept digging at his hand with his tongue trying to get that stupid cracker, poor B was Fa-REAKED out.
I know what they are! lol we were feeding those too and one practically landed on top of B when it jumped of a ledge for some crackers. I swear, those things are evil.
LOL Poor B, is he ok? That looked like a baby giraffe!
It was one of the little ones. There's a huge boardwalk through "wild africa" and that fence is about 20ft off the ground there. It's pretty! But holy sticky weird giraffe tongues batman!
Re: XB, these PIPs are for you. *mwah*
LOL first post as soon as I come on...awesome!
OMG those pics are so cute, look at that black tongue. And why are those things so close to Sam, one is practically chewing her hand!
LMAO they're goats and she was feeding them. So, one was practically chewing her hand to get the food pellet.
That freakin' giraffe molested my son! lol Damn thing kept digging at his hand with his tongue trying to get that stupid cracker, poor B was Fa-REAKED out.
I know what they are! lol we were feeding those too and one practically landed on top of B when it jumped of a ledge for some crackers. I swear, those things are evil.
LOL Poor B, is he ok? That looked like a baby giraffe!