
Anyone still up?

I really should be in bed but it's the only time I really have any quiet so I'm sending out resumes and applying for jobs online. I needed a break though. I wish there were like 12 more hours in a day.

Re: Anyone still up?

  • I'm still up, but I shouldn't be. My new boss-lady is going to be waking me up in a few hours, and then her brother will follow soon after! I was so tired today that my sister and BIL were over and I was falling asleep talking to them. Yet, somehow I've managed to still be awake now. Anyway, Belle, I haven't been keeping up with posts a lot lately, but I hope everything has settled down for you. Smile

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  • DH is trying to find a job that would make it so that I don't have to drive him as far. Do you have any good websites that you look at for jobs?
    Isabella Sophia 10/1/2006 Photobucket "little miss Avocado
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  • I am.  I'm watching Prom Night.  Nothing like a good little scare before heading to bed.  lol 

    I'm hoping C will actually sleep through tonight, unlike last night and the night before.  It is getting so old already.

                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

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  • Me - your thrift shop buddy!  The night is still young here.  I love the time after DD goes to bed... ahhh, peace, at last!
  • Those tiny bosses can be so demanding! Lol. I've fallen asleep on people like that quite a bit since having Amarah. If I'm tired enough (which is often), I'm out. Things have been better this past week since I've been at my sister's. I'm a lot calmer and A seems to be sleeping better and behaving a bit better.
    Hope your dh has some luck with the job search soon as well.

    Kancell, I really just stick mostly with because they compile listings from multiple sites and it's easier to navigate. I try to search as many diff. keywords as I can think of depending on what I'm looking for. Hope he has some luck soon and things calm down for y'all. (((hugs)))

    Cali, omg. You do not have to tell me about bad sleepers. You know Miss A thinks it's party time 24/7. She's already a little rock star or college kid. ;-)
    Hope you're doing well.


  • Look at all of you west coasters! Omg. It's 1:30 here. I'm giving myself one more hour. A-bay, I'm trying to stay away from Craigslist right now. It's calling my name.

    Cali, I forgot. I'd be a mess watching a scary movie this late. I'm a wimp.


  • So far so good tonight.  By this time last night he was already up screaming his head off.  He fell back to sleep on H and then woke up screaming as soon as he was back in his crib.  We let him scream for a bit more and then H finally took him back out to the couch again around 1:15 or so.  He was asleep by just after 2.  H came in to bed a few minutes later.  Fast forward to 3:30 and he's awake again.  H ended up taking him back to the couch again so I could get some sleep.  I don't know when he got him back in the crib but he was asleep in there when I got up this morning.  Add in fighting naptime and it is a full-time party over here when it is time for him to sleep.

    I want to know if there is some magic age where they sleep through with no issues.  If there is, I want to fast forward to that age (ok, not really, but I know you know what I'm talking about here).

                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

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    Lilypie - (eGB2)
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  • I'm up, but not for long.

    Good luck with the job apps! We're all rooting for you!

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • I've seen the entire thing in chunks here and there so now I'm finally watching it all the way through in one run.  I like watching them at home rather than at a theater because I can get up and walk around if I need to get away from it.  In a theater it isn't that easy.
                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie - (eGB2)
    Be The Match - and help save a life by signing up for the National Marrow Donor Program.
  • Thanks, Femme. I appreciate it. I think my fingers may fall off in a minute.

    That reminds me of a semi-funny story. I went to see 'The Ring' alone. Right before the movie started a couple sat down next to me. I turned to them and told them, "if I grab him, don't get mad." Luckily, they had a sense of humor and laughed. I was serious.


  • Haha.  I probably would have done the same thing if I had gone to see that movie.  The Scream series was one of my favorites but trying to watch them now freaks me the eff out.  Don't know what it is.  Of course, I'm also the one that has to walk around while watching Deep Blue Sea and those are just sharks, which I'm never going to be around and there is no chance they'll ever be in my apt.  lol
                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie - (eGB2)
    Be The Match - and help save a life by signing up for the National Marrow Donor Program.
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