

You used/use the Baby Sleep Solution right?  I have a question for you.

Both babies have been STTN for a good month (Aubrey a month and a half) now but for some reason lately when we put DS down he is quite for about 5 minutes and then starts crying.  We follow the go in after 5 minute rule and leave them him in the crib and just stand there with our hand on his stomach.  It seems like this actually makes him more mad sometimes.  Most of the time though he does not even get to the point of us going in there, he quits for a minute and will start back up, this can go on for 15 minutes to a half hour.

Did your girls do this?  I guess I just need to know it worked for someone else and I'm not abusing my poor guy!

Re: ***Quickstepstar***

  • Hmm... my girls never really did that. They usually fuss for <5 min or so and they they are both out... Could he maybe be teething? SOmetimes Anya wakes up in the middle of the night screaming which we think is because of that? Also sometimes when they are overtired they have a harder time going to bed. I think though that if they cry sometimes it is okay and if we don't go in they will fall asleep sooner, because they are so tired that they can't fall asleep. I don't even usually follow the 5-min rule any more, if they are just fussing. I let them fuss it out, I only go in if they scream bloody murder, which doesn't happen all too often and then I don't wait 5 min. Sorry I am rambling, but I hope he starts falling asleep easily soon! Good luck!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Yeah, I'm thinking he's been getting overly tired the last couple of days. 

    When your girls scream bloody murder and you go in do you pick them up or do you follow the "rules" and leave them in the crib?

    Thanks for your response, it makes me feel better.  The book makes since and I feel like it's definitely working but it's nice to "know" someone else that's done it IRL and that it worked for them.

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  • Yeah I know what you mean about RL :) When I read it I was definitelly skeptical but then it worked and I was like -- wow !

    To answer your question -- I think at least for my girls, if they are screaming then I do pick them up, because they don't do it often, and they only do it if something is really wrong like teeth or if their nose is stuffy, so we try to solve the problem. I think if they are really just tired they rarely scream, just fuss for a while (never more than 10 min) and we leave them alone.?

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That makes since, that's what my gut told me, it's just nice to hear it from someone else!  Thank you!
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