Since starting to TTC, i've been thinking about charting. The only reason why I haven't is because i wake up to go to the bathroom at least once per night, and rarely up to several... so I was thinking that my BBT wouldn't be accurate if I wasn't in bed for the whole night.
Now that it's been several months, I'd really like to start charting. Does anyone know if getting up once or twice a night would?adversely??affect my BBT reading in the morning?
Thanks from this newbie!?
Re: question about charting
I used to to do that. I started sleeping less going from 8 hours a night to about 5 to 6. It has helped me a lot for some reason, and I do not feel over tired. But everyone is different.
It did affect my temps. You have to sleep/not eat or drink anything or get up for at least 4 hours I think it was.
Wow - fast responses here!?thanks you guys...
can anyone recommend a good BBT Thermometer, preferably digital? Hopefully I won't need one after this month, but AF is due in 5 days...
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It's different for everyone of course. But I don't seem to have too many major temp shifts even if I wake up in the middle of the night or don't get a solid three hours before I temp.
If I were you I would go ahead and try it and see what your charts look like. You are looking for a distinct temp shift to determine ovulation, so even if a few temps are out of whack, it's the whole collection of temps over a cycle that matter in the end.
Hope that makes sense!! GL!
I'm not sure of the brand of my BBT but I got it at Walmart and it is digital. It works good and I really like it.
I have this one. It's not anything special, but it works for me. I'd recommend one that goes at least 2 decimal places. The only thing I wish it had was a light, but I just use my cell phone for that.
I always have to pee in the middle of the night and I don't think it affected my first month of charting. My temp shift is very obvious. If I didn't get three hours before the temp taking, then I check the box for sleep deprived and I get an open circle.
Here's what fertilityfriend has to say about it.
How can I take my temperature when I have to get up in the middle of the night almost every night?
If you have to get up in the night and it is unavoidable, like having to take care of a small child, or if you have to go to the bathroom, just do the best you can. While some women notice rocky temperatures when they wake during the night, some women notice little impact. Take your temperature as close as you can to the same time each morning and choose a time that is likely to be when you have had the most sleep. For example, if your toddler wakes up every morning at 6 am, then take your temperature at that time, even if you go back to sleep. Try to avoid taking your temperature in the middle of the night, though, even if you seem to always get up at the same time in the middle of the night. Temperatures taken in the morning show a clearer biphasic curve and the time is more predictable.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Philo
Baby N conceived after 1 miscarriage and more than 2 years of TTC. Diagnosis was low sperm count. We found success after 3 months of anastrozole to increase DH's testosterone and one IUI.
Some charts
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