I mean that is how it was when I hosted another girlfriend's of mine and when my girlfriend hosted mine. The Maid/Matron of honor pays for a good portion and does most of the planning, but the other girls in the party should at least help out with some of the finances or bring food/drinks, etc. right? Or am I totally wrong on this one?
I'm hosting one right now (it is this Saturday). There are three other girls as part of the wedding party, but none have contacted me to ask if they can help out one way or the other. She invited 25 girls and I have had to call 90% of them back twice just to get an answer for an RSVP. Her own mom and sisters aren't even coming (and she has a decent relationship with them). I just don't get it. I hate to keep asking her for names, numbers, but I need to get the names of the other girls in the party and there numbers so that I can ask them for help.
Is it ironic that I'm the one out of a job (yet paying for EVERYTHING)?..lol.
Re: When hosting a bachelorette party, doesn't the other girls help out?
news flash dont pay for everything.......keep it simple pay for the bride to be drinks and dinner, then quit there. sorry if harsh but you are broke too right?
but if you are the only one hosting--well then that's another story.