
Leaking Colostrum in early Pregnancy??

Hi ladies,

 Did any one expierence this and how far along we you?? This is my third pregnancy and usually it does not happen until the second or third trimester. I haven't seen my doctor yet, but according to my calculations I'm only seven weeks, so this caught me off guard.


Re: Leaking Colostrum in early Pregnancy??

  • I recently had a MC & I was only 5-6 wks along & I was already getting colostrum?
    It was so strange

    DS stopped BFing a year & A half ago?
    Sometimes during AF I get that itchy feeling in the nipples & if I squeeze them .. I get it.
    It is the strangest thing?
    Summer 2011
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers ~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~
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  • Yes I did but only for the first three months.
  • did your milk fully dry up? it could just be they know the drill :) some women leak their entire pg! good luck
  • I had that in the beginning too. It went away after a few weeks and haven't had it since. I have heard that it is somewhat common.

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
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