Baby Names

Opinions on Our Girl Names?

We know we're having another girl :)  Our top two baby names right now are Eva and Cordelia.  I LOVE Eva (pronounced EE-VAH), but I don't know if I can handle the popularity of Eva/Ava.  Cordelia was my great-great grandma's name and I think it goes really well with our last name.  I also like it's a unique name without sounding too out there.  DD #1 is Isabel (if it matters), but I'm worried that it takes a certain type of person/baby to pull off the name Cordelia.  What do you think of Cordelia?  Out of Cordelia/Eva which name do you like best?  Thanks for your input!

Re: Opinions on Our Girl Names?

  • star678star678 member

    Love Eva, loathe Cordelia.

    ETA:  I grew up with a "Cordy" (Cordelia) and she was the biggest bully in elementary school.  She was like Big Delores from Hope Floats.  So maybe this is due to association.  

    Married in 2008 - DD born in 2010 - EDD 6.15.2012!
  • I personally like Eva better. And while visually it is similar, I see it as totally different than Ava, and it is nowhere near it in popularity, which I think is a good thing. And while typically I don't think it matters, Isabel and Eva sound cute together.
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  • I actually like Cordelia. Cute and different. I would not like Cordy as a nn though.
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  • I had never heard of Cordelia until lately (on Y&R!), and they use the n/n Delia. ?I think it's cute!
  • iluvtomiluvtom member
    I like Eva better not a fan of Cordelia, sorry
  • I agree with using the nn Delia for Cordelia.  Then, I actually like it.

    You could use Evangeline and have the nn Eva. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers image
  • I like Cordelia, not sure I'd use it though. It makes me think of Anne of Green Gables.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • I think Eva is getting pretty popular, but Cordelia is nms for sure. So out of the two, Eva.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I love Cordelia and I love that it is a family name for you.  I also love the nn Delia.

    I really prefer it to Eva.

    I'm not a big fan of Eva, but I love Eve, if you were going to go in that direction.

  • I prefer Eva...its one of the names we're considering if we have a girl. Not a fan of Cordelia...good luck whatever you decide!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I prefer Cordelia.  Ditto on Anne of Green Gables reference.  Also associate name with Buffy the Vampire / Angel tv shows.

    I do not like the nn of Cordy though.

    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Well, I do think they're both really pretty; but I totally agree with you about the popularity of Eva...I like different and unique, personally.  And I think the idea of Cordelia with Delia nn is awesome!  Plus, it was your great-great grandmother's name; so it has a family connection, which is always cool.

    So, I vote for Cordelia!  Big Smile

  • I really like Cordelia, especially because it's a lot less popular but still a great name. NN could be Delia or Lia (pronounced Leah...just an idea!)
    Mom to an almost 4 y/o and an almost 2 y/o. In process of growing our family through adoption.
  • LMS05LMS05 member

    I don't like Cordelia at all. It doesn't sound pretty to me. Eva is ok, but I agree with you that it's very close to the uber popular Ava. Sorry, I'm not much help.?

    Maybe use Cordelia as a middle name with Eva??

  • How about Delia?
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  • I could care less about the popularity of a name.  If you like it, that's all that matters, right? I say Eva all the way.  If you are hooked on Cordelia, then I might consider using it as a mn instead.  Give the chance for your daughter to go by that name as a first name or not.
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