
Expecting Twins....

Hi everyone!  I'm new to this board as my DH and I just found out on Thursday that we are having twins.  We are simply elated and cannot wait for them to arrive! 

Since I am so early on in my pregnancy, I have so many questions and there is one in particular that I was hoping that someone could answer for me.  What is a "normal" length for pregnancy when you are carrying twins?  I've heard that most don't go the full 40 weeks.  Are you generally induced when carrying twins or do you just go into labor earlier than if you were carrying a single baby?  I don't have my next appt. with my OB until the 11th and this question has been nagging at me.  I apologize if these questions seem stupid to most, I'm just totally new at all of this.  Very excited, but totally new!

Re: Expecting Twins....

  • Term for twins is generally considered 36-37 weeks.  A lot of girls on here have gone as far as 38 weeks, so it's possible to carry almost as long as a singleton.  Some are induced, some go on their own, and some have their babies early. 

    My OB won't let me stay pg beyond 38w, when we'll do a scheduled c/s, but that's because my Baby A is breech.  If you're lucky enough to have babies head down, they'll induce you and let you have a vaginal delivery.  Some OBs will recommend a c/s for twins, but most are okay letting you try vaginally if the babies are positioned properly.

    Welcome to the board.  Don't worry about asking stupid questions.  This is my first pg, and with twins, so I've been learning a lot!  A good book to get is Dr. Luke's book for having a healthy multiples pg.  Very good tips about diet and weight gain, but don't stress yourself out about following her guidelines to the letter.  I don't think any of us could actually consume the amount of food she recommends!  I've tried my best and my boys are currently at 5 lb 2 oz and 5 lb 10 oz at just shy of 35w.

  • First of all, congrats!!!  Most OB's won't let twin pregnancies go past 38 weeks which is considered full term.  They'll either schedule a c-section or an induction.  This is something you need to ask your OB about their protocol.  There are lots of us here that made it to 38 weeks so it can be done!!! 

    Bedrest can be common early on and they do watch you closer than if you had a singleton pregnancy.  But for every story on here about early bedrest/complications there is one with no complications.  I believe each pregnancy is different. 

    Feel free to ask this board lots of questions because these ladies are great and know everything Geeked, well most everything.  Everyone is very nice on this board and it's a great source of info. 

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  • For any pregnancy the "normal" length would be 40 weeks. Multiples do affect that because of several factors: the combined weights of the babies, the extra fluids and stress on the uterus, the eventual possibility for the deterioration of the placenta, etc.
    If you are looking for averages, I think most twins are born around 36 weeks. Some come very early, which means a higher risk for problems; some stay put until they go in to get them. Most doctors won't schedule a c/section or induction until you are 38 weeks, unless there are extenuating circumstances that make it safer for you and the babies to deliver early.
    The longer your pregnancy, the better chances you have of delivering babies who have fully developed lungs, good weights, and the skills they need (sucking reflex, etc). Shoot for 38 weeks, but be aware that it doesn't always work that way.
  • Nothing to add, but I wanted to say congratulations!
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  • Congratulations and welcome!  The pp pretty much summed it up but I will add my personal experience.  At my OBs office, the doctors like to deliver twins between 38 and 39 weeks if the person hasn't delivered yet.  My David (Baby A) was head down so we never talked about a c-section even though Maggie (Baby B) was breach most of the pregnancy.  At 36 weeks, I still didn't have a date scheduled for an induction.  At 36w4d, I was admitted due to pre-eclampsia, induced at 36w5d and my babies were born at 36w6d.  Neither of them needed NICU time or special nursery time and we all went home 2 days later.  My point is that each situation is different and different doctors go about multiple pregnancies different ways.  But this board is great and the women on here have a ton of great advice.  They are what kept me sane during my pregnancy and even more so now in my sleep deprived state thanks to the munchkins!
  • Congrats! Looks like you and I have the exact same due date :o)! We'll have to compare notes ;o).
  • congrats! i found out i was having twins at 10 weeks! everyone will be shocked that you know already! i totally know how you feel-- questions, questions, questions! books are hard to come by. i don't have any good ones to suggest-- i only got bad ones! lol! don't search the internet for info-- you just can't trust it. hope some other mothers can recommend some good books for you. 

    being pregnant with twins can be a breeze for one woman and a crazy battle for others. i happen to have one that hasn't been so pleasant. everything can be worse -morning sickness, etc. dont let this scare you because knowing it is twins makes it worth while! what you want to make sure of is that you are aware of signs of pre-term labor. if you have any bleeding, call your doctor immediately (it could be something totally minor, so dont freak out too much). drink pleanty of water always. i would talk to your doctor about their experience with multiples. our very large ob office referred us to a specialist. we feel much more comfortable with this option. when you hit 20-24 weeks, that is when you need to start watching how much you are on your feet. discuss this with your doctor if you have a job where you are up a lot. this is about the time where you need to really be more careful. everything depends upon what you have done before and during your pregnancy. 

    i would just prepare yourself for anything! this way, you arent too alarmed if you get any problems. i have had minor problems and have had to visit the hospital. knowing this was highly possible made me not so upset when it happened. i remained calm and everything is fine now! i am not trying to freak you out, but rather being realistic! it is soooo exciting though! once you feel them kicking and find out the sex of the babies (if you choose), it gets even better!  congrats again!!!!

  • welcome and congrats!

    my OB is delivering me (via c/s for a few medical reasons that have nothing to do with it being twins) at 38w at the latest... if i make it that far.

    i have read the average is about 35-36w for twins. It seems most women on here and other multiples boards i go on end up going into labor and don't need to be induced.

    get dr. Luke's book - it's the best for twin pgs.  It will answer all of your questions and then some :)

    the women on here are great, too!

  • I think you have your answer from the pp. So I just wanted to add my congratulations!!
  • I went into labor at 30 weeks.  I believe i was much further along tho.  I had my boys at 31 weeks after a horrible week of hospital confined bedrest.

    My doctor told me to set a goal for 34 weeks.  Thats when my boys came home fom the hospital. 

    I know a lady that just went full term with twins tho.  && they were around 7 pounds!!

    Everybody is different tho. 


  • I also delivered naturally.  First one head down && second one breach.
  • Just wanted to say congrats and welcome
  • Congratulations! Welcome to the board Big Smile


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