Trying to Get Pregnant

In shock, really, BFP...

Okay, so this may seem a little drive-by-ish, but I swear I just introduced myself this week and was excited to chat with you all about temping (first month temping, 3rd month off of BCP)!!!

I first tested with dollar store, and it was faint (husband didn't believe me that that was a +, I was like "believe me the nest says a LINE IS A LINE!", haha!  I then did an ept for a very clear plus sign, to prove it to him!  I was SURE AF was coming, and am totally shocked!  Still shaking...

I'd still like to frequent GP, since I was just starting to know you guys.  Let me know if you have any questions, and thank you for all of the great info I've learned before I started posting!  Best wishes to all!  Holy. crap.

Re: In shock, really, BFP...

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