
Does your stomach ever go back???

I look 4 months pregnant still!!!  I've been dieting and that seems to shrink everything so my stomach still looks big compared to everything else.  Tell me it gets better. 

so much for anything snapping back into place. Confused

Re: Does your stomach ever go back???

  • I hear ya sister- I`m hoping someone has some words of wisdom for us. 
  • I can fit into some of my pre pregnancy pants and most of my shirts but I have a lot of excess skin (twin skin) on my belly which probably won't go away. I am breastfeeding so I am sure that has helped with the weight loss and I also have a VERY high metabolism. Hopefully your stomach will shrink back down soon.
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  • Mine is so much better than four months post-partum.  Honestly, the best thing for me was/is cardio.  I'm a runner and once I started exercising again, it became more toned.  I still have excess skin when I bend forward, but it's not horrible and in clothes, my stomach looks flat.  It takes a while, but I honestly believe mine continued to shrink for up to a year or so after birth. 
  • I still have 15-20 pounds left to lose but since I really started exercising my stomach looks so much better!  I feel like right now I'm kind of chubby all over but my stomach looks almost normal (except for the crazy stretch marks) in proportion with the rest of my body. 

    Like pp mentioned, if I bend forward all bets are off... it looks way saggy, but standing or sitting it looks fine.

    Also I think it's important to remember that everyone has differnt body shapes/sizes/metabolisms... some people have always been bean poles (definitely not me) and will get flat abs... even when I'm in super great shape I never have a washboard stomach... so I'm not expecting one now.

    I'm trying to lose more weight but I'm also trying to learn to love my new body Smile

    Ok... sorry for the super long response.. I just got done with an hour long workout and I'm feeling pretty great right now... hehe

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  • For me, no. I can wear my pre-preg clothes, but my belly hangs over (sexay). My stretch marks are wrinkley, my skin is flabby and loose.. I'm hot stuff. I've come to accept that I will always be asked when I'm due... and we're saving money for a tummy tuck which will hopefully happen in two more years.
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  • I lost all my pregnancy weight by about 4 months, but my belly did not look "normal" again until about 8 months or so.  My belly has always been "flat" but in no way toned, so I think thats why maybe I'm lucky - I wasn't expecting a 6 pack or something!  lol.
  • i had some loose hangy type saddle bags after i had griffin- so i'm expecting some nasty twin skin after these guys... thankfully DH is on board with letting me spend one of his bonuses on a tummy tuck in a few years when I am ready to do that (once the kids don't need to be picked up and i can recover faster!)
  • I'm 2 years out, weigh 107 lbs and there's no way I'm going to look "normal" w/o cosmetic surgery.  I still look a 4 months pregnant depending on what I'm wearing.
  • Right there with you. My body has just completely changed shape..I used to have this nice flat tummy and full thighs, now my butt and thighs seem to have shrunk (no complaints there) but my boobs are huge and I have such a poochy gut! 

    I haven't really been eating totally healthfully though. I think once I get back to a cleaner diet and get back to the gym more than 2x a week, it will get better.

  • Sad  i am not looking forward to this problem..
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  • I can say that looking pg went away for me (unless I am bloated).  I do still have saggy skin though and my stretch marks are horrible....2 years later.  SIGH

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