
Braxton Hicks? So, so confused...

Hi - I am 26 weeks pregnant with twins and so confused over what I am feeling. Starting yesterday afternoon I felt what I *think* are Braxton Hicks pretty regularly. I have felt these before but only a couple times a week.

My issue is I do not know if these are BH or the babies rolling/stretching. I try to keep my hands on my belly but I am still not sure. If they were BH would my entire belly get hard, like from below my boobs to to the top of my pubic hair line?

I am concerned b/c I started getting a lot of this "feeling" yesterday afternoon (about 20 in the afternoon and evening - but not 4/hr and even after I laid down) and last night was woken up by it a few times. I am wondering if I should call the doctor and go in to be monitored, but honestly when I was having some menstrual like cramps at 22 weeks I went in and all was fine, and then on Monday when I "thought" I had a UTI they monitored me and all was fine and now I will just be that ctazy pregnant lady.

Would you call or take it easy today and see how things go? I am drinking about 100 oz of water a day so am sure I am hydrated. This morning I have only felt this a few times but it is still there. Thank you! 


Re: Braxton Hicks? So, so confused...

  • sdb421sdb421 member

    BH for make my whole stomach get hard. One way for me to tell the difference between movement and BH are when I have BH it feels like someone is sitting on my lungs. At this point, I have them often (i.e. a few an hour, most hours), but when I was at your point I definitely had several a day and sometimes a few an hour if I over did it. If you are concerned, definitely call your doctor, that is what they are paid for. Trust me, you will continue to have visits to them as you get further along and probably L&D too, so get used to the frequent calls! I was embarrassed about it for a while too and then decided that I rather get checked than regret that I didn't...good luck!

    M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • if you are concerend I would call. It is better to be safe than sorry. My BH's would make my whole belly hard but I would 'test' for them at the bottom of my belly (both babies were breech and I could feel their heads which were hard).
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  • I had BH constantly, and in L&D several times b/c of them.  They always made my belly hard as a rock, and tough for me to breathe - not hurt, just uncomfortable I think b/c of the breathing part.  If you are concerned, though I would call your dr - thats what they're there for.
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