Don't get me wrong I LOVE having it but trying to get it ready for the summer this year is driving me up a freaking wall! We have spent 2 weeks and over $100 so far trying to get the chemical balance right, to get it so it isn't cloudy or green and so far NOTHING has worked. It is better than it was but I spent Tues, Wed, and THurs over at the pool place with water samples trying to figure out what the next step is.
DH and I have to go today back to the pool place to see what they say but we have to wait until next weekend to buy anymore chemicals since we spent all our "opening the pool" money in such a short time.
Okay, thanks for letting me vent! And I know it will all be worth it when our pool is up and running and we can relax in the sun!
Re: NGPR: I hate our swimming pool! VENT
that sux! We just bought a pool this year and are going to start putting it up this weekend. I'm so excited to having it but I'm a little nervous to learn how to keep it up!