What gives? Blaire is ready. For Sure. For months she has been telling me when she poops. She now hides to poop, b/c she knows she should be going on the potty.
She removes her diaper if it's wet or dirty. She sits on the pktty but won't do anything. If I have her in underwear or nothing, she brings me a diaper b/c she has to pee or poop. Now, the last 2 days, she won't let me put panties on her.
Am I doing something wrong? Is she not ready?
We have sticker charts in the bathroom. Chris and I have one too and we've been giving ourselves stickers and M&M's when we go. I truly believe that if she'll use it once, she'll get her sticker and M&M and be ready to do it again. Maybe not...but I need her to just go that first time.
Re: Help! I'm in potty-training hell.
She is testing. I would remove all the diapers from where she can get them and say "big girls only use the potty". Don't give in and let her regress especially with a newish baby in the house. It is attention getting and don't fall for it!!!
Does she have a training potty? the big one may be intimidating for her. Also, I found that Nekkid was the way to train but all kids are different.
Best of luck!
Yep, we had to "run out of diapers" before DD would willingly wear underwear all day.
If she protests, put them on, ignore the fuss, and move on to the next thing. I'm a huge proponent of doing nothing but potty training for a few days. Put the focus on her and the potty. . . and doing fun activities in between.