It's not about you, so don't get your knickers in a twist. I just thought maybe if I started, you'd be inspired to follow suit, what with being punchy and all.
Here goes:
I don't like you. One bit. You think you know so much about so many things that you can't possibly be informed about. I try to be nice, but whenever you reply to one of my posts with your ever so helpful advice, I die a little inside. I really lost respect for you a few months ago and it's never coming back -- especially when I can read the snideness between the lines. Suck it. TYVM.
Re: For you, BoF -- a PABST
Well then, THAT my friend was a good one.
Now, if I could just figure out who it was about...
I can't help it if some of the stuff on here is bloody basic.
Suck it yourself :-)
every time I see a post from you, I think " oh, there's douchebag tattle pants" and now since a semi recent post, I think "look at all the signs!! Clearly jesus is on his way!!"
Im not a fan. not a fan.
ETA: this is NOT about anyone who has posted here thusfar.
Get over yourself, MMML. It's SO not about you. Trust. If I had issue with you, I'd tell you as much.
Duuuuuuude. For a quick sec, I thought your post was a reply to *me* -- not a general PABST. I about got MY knickers in a twist!
Now I'm trying to figure out who it is. Well played.
I'd certainly be frank with you. I know you can take it and I think you expect as much from people.
I'll throw mine in too
I hate the high & mighty vibe I get from your posts. You come across as though you are the best mom on the planet, & . . . let's just say I have my doubts. Your way is not always the right way, so please remove the stick from your_ass.
ETA: I'll clarify - this is not about MMML.
I am touched, really. And you're right.
Now if I could just work out who you are talking about...