Is the recession changing your mind about having baby# 2.
DD turned 2 in Feb. I had a m/c in nov. Thinking of trying again in the fall but with the economy and people losing their jobs its kinda scary. I feel like sometimes I wanna wait or maybe I should stop at one. I know this sounds crazy but was just wondering if anyone else had this thought as well....
Re: Recession and having 2nd child?
Never. DH had been laid off for 3 months when I conceived #2. He still hasn't found work, but we are making it alright. If people didn't have babies due to the economy I wouldn't be here...both of my g-parents were born during the Great Depression.
The recession had nothing to do with our choice of having a 2nd.
That being said finances had everything to do with when we did have kids. We waited until we were debt free (except our mortage), could save for college, had 8 months of expenses in savings, could afford our max out of pocket, and could afford for me to stay home. We bought our cars and house so we could survive a hard economic time. It is very important for DH and I to be financially stable when adding to our family.
DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)