
Recession and having 2nd child?

Is the recession changing your mind about having baby# 2.

DD turned 2 in Feb. I had a m/c in nov. Thinking of trying again in the fall but with the economy and people losing their jobs its kinda scary. I feel like sometimes I wanna wait or maybe I should stop at one. I know this sounds crazy but was just wondering if anyone else had this thought as well....

Re: Recession and having 2nd child?

  • Never. DH had been laid off for 3 months when I conceived #2. He still hasn't found work, but we are making it alright. If people didn't have babies due to the economy I wouldn't be here...both of my g-parents were born during the Great Depression.

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  • It might have if DH's job was shakey (and I SAH)...but I was already pregnant when the brunt hit & I am on #3--LOL!  Thankfully we have totally lucked out & DH has a very secure job in a very insecure field (construction)...Literally, his firm (he's an Architect) was the only firm in the city that was hiring this winter...we have been very lucky!
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
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  • The recession had nothing to do with our choice of having a 2nd.


    That being said finances had everything to do with when we did have kids. We waited until we were debt free (except our mortage), could save for college, had 8 months of expenses in savings, could afford our max out of pocket, and could afford for me to stay home. We bought our cars and house so we could survive a hard economic time. It is very important for DH and I to be financially stable when adding to our family.

  • I'm 17 weeks pregnant with # 2, lost my job 2 weeks ago, am the main wage earner in the house and am looking at this as an opportunity to grow... things happen for a reason... look in the olden days in recession when there were families of 12, so what they had a bunch of kids in one room, but you know what.. they were damn happy... we are going to be one car down, etc and if we get another one it will not be a new one like we are used too... we live in a small house, thought about buying a bigger one a while ago, but didn't because it doesn't matter.. this family of 4 will be happy as hell in a 2 bdrm 1100 sq ft house.. ok sorry if i am on a tangent, but you have to make the most of everything and live each day....
  • It's that fine line between trying to be financially responsible before diving into TTC, and realising that if you waited till your finances were truly all lined up, you'd have 10yrs between your kids, lol.
  • We  did not wait.  Even when the economy is stable, the unexpected can always happen.  I just don't believe is putting off life plans based on "what if." 
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  • DH's job seems to be fine (knock on wood)--he's in insurance so it's pretty recession-proof. However, we've had a lot of problems related to our first house that we've been unable to sell in this economy. Even with all that, I'm pregnant with #3. We're able to pay the bills and we expect to get out of this mess eventually. Really, anyone could lose their job or have some other disaster happen at any time....
    ~ Liz, mommy to:
    DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
    Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
    m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)

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