
Um. Just to clarify the whole Miss USA/America idiocy

that transpired earlier today after I posted that the girl who's all in the media's grill against gay marriage is annoying to me.?

I didn't continue to respond to the post because I had to take my kid to pre-school and was not online for the next few hours. ?NOT because I was somehow hiding from admitting that I don't know my Miss America from my Miss USA. ? Was I wrong? ?Yes. ?Am I sorry that I made ?::gasp!:: libelous statements against whichever one of them I erroneously mentioned? ?Sure, why not. ?Does it merit continuous commentary in other peoples' posts? Um. Nope.?

Seriously, the few of you who keep harping on this, please find a hobby and let's just move on. ??

Re: Um. Just to clarify the whole Miss USA/America idiocy

  • Gosh, did I miss something?  I have no idea what you are talking about!
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  • oh, and I'm about to leave the house again to go buy supplies for Ethan's 3rd birthday party on Saturday (that kid is ALWAYS getting in the way of my nesting, damnit!)?

    So if I don't respond adequately to this post, don't assume I'm hiding from you. ?Mkay? ??

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  • I felt this way whenever I kept referring to Elian Gonzales as  Hector Elizondo


  • I'm not the one bringing this up outside of the original post. But I'll stop posting about it if you do.  K?

    I'm logging off too. See you tonight!

  • Again, maybe this would have came off as more "lets put an end to this" if you had said the following:

    "I was wrong.  I admit it."   and left it at that.

    Why are you bringing it up again anyway?  In a new post, nonetheless, while telling everyone else to stop harping on it.

    I was the BEST mom....until I became a mother. Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageLeoChic:

    Again, maybe this would have came off as more "lets put an end to this" if you had said the following:

    "I was wrong.  I admit it."   and left it at that.

    Why are you bringing it up again anyway?  In a new post, nonetheless, while telling everyone else to stop harping on it.

    Ding. Ding. Ding. Exactly.

  • Seems like you're the one harping on it by making a new post. 
    DS Grant - 8/2006
    DD Charlotte - 10/2011
  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    I didn't continue to respond to the post because I had to take my kid to pre-school and was not online for the next few hours. 

    And actually this statement is not true.  You responded to Elise at 11:38 a mere 40 minutes after the original post.  And then you posted about forgetting to take a pregnancy test at 11:42.  So, um, yeah, you were actually on the nest in adequate time to respond to the mix-up.

    Stop digging a hole......

    I was the BEST mom....until I became a mother. Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • link to the original post please.
  • For some reason I can't actually post from my blackberry, but I read your post.  I honestly had no idea there were separate Miss America and Miss USA pageants.  Guess I should follow the pageant scene a little closer in the future.  ;-)

    Are people still commenting on this?

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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  • Leo, interesting investigation. ?But what I said is true. ?I'm not sure what the time stamp issue is here, but I posted the OP sometime before 9:10 my time in California, posted a response or two initially when Elise got all p*ssy, took Ethan to school and wasn't home until almost noon, when I saw that it had gone even farther.?

    The fact that Leo and Elise are so adamant that I apologize for confusing the two pageants is SO weird, IMO. ??


  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    Leo, interesting investigation.  But what I said is true.  I'm not sure what the time stamp issue is here, but I posted the OP sometime before 9:10 my time in California, posted a response or two initially when Elise got all p*ssy, took Ethan to school and wasn't home until almost noon, when I saw that it had gone even farther. 

    The fact that Leo and Elise are so adamant that I apologize for confusing the two pageants is SO weird, IMO.   


    I don't give a damn if you confuse the two pageants. What you were doing is saying hateful, nasty things about someone who has said nothing offensive. You were insulting the wrong person. If that's OK with you, then you would have no problem if I posted that you were a hag for saying offensive things about gay people, then I got all pissy when someone pointed out that I had confused you with someone else.

    This is so NOT about pageants and you know it. It is about your habit of posting nasty things about people, then justifying it with excuses like "so I mixed up the pageants," or "Elise is just lame," or "everyone else was doing it."

  • This whole thing seems really bizarre to me. 

    And besides, Sarah referred to her as "Miss American" of which there is no such thing, so I don't really think she was slandering the Miss America runner up.  We all knew full well who she was referring to. 

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