H and I have VERY different ideas of what makes a good girls name, so it will take us the full 8 months to figure this all out 
You will see two totally different styles of names on this very large rough draft...
So if you are bored please vote 
A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="
Re: Vote on girls names
I like Jillian, Naomi and Samantha. Wasn't a fan of the others, especially not all the k names.
i like gabrielle, audrey and kendall the best
I second this.