
Discipling someones elses child...what do you do?

Today I am watching my 5 year old nephew (dh's sister's child).  He is not misbehaving, but he does not listen.  I asked him about 10 times to help my kids pick up the toys before lunch and was ignoring me, just kept on playing.  This is one example. 

My neices and nephews I would discipline with time out or can't play until you are ready to listen.  I feel awkward about what to do with him.  He has been in the family just a year.  He is being adopted by sil & bil. 

What would you do?  It is driving me crazy!

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Re: Discipling someones elses child...what do you do?

  • treat him just like the other kids you are watching (your own?). He should follow the same rules they have to. You are the one in charge right now since his mom isn't there...
  • I would do the same as I'd do with any of my other neices and nephews (if I had any). I don't see any reason for him to get special treatment.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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  • yep, same rules.

  • I would ask his parents next time what they do for discipline. But if you aren't sure, I would be firm but gentle. I'm not sure if I would put him in a time out, he just wants to play longer, it's not like he's hurting anyone.  Also I wouldn't be sure how he would take discipline from someone else if he's adopted.  I'm not sure if they have issues due to their backgrounds??? Hope that makes sense.
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