
Is a lot of ear wax a sign of ear infection?

I was carrying DS into school this morning and I noticed that his left ear had a lot of ear wax.  Now I'm wondering if he has an ear infection.  He had one a few weeks ago and was on antibiotics.  We didn't actually do the full ten days because they didn't give us enough.  So, is excessive ear wax indicate infection?

Liam is 5!
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Re: Is a lot of ear wax a sign of ear infection?

  • Not always.  Some kids just have a lot of ear wax.  My neice gets bad ear infection though and when she gets one, she ends up with a perferated ear drum, which then oozes.  If he is showing any other signs, I would call the pedi.
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  • I don't think so, Jake has a bunch of ear wax usually but only has had an EI 2 or 3x in his 2yrs....

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  • My kids seem to have a lot of ear wax, and they have MORE when they are getting over an ear infection, like all the bad stuff, wax included is getting out. I tend to notice much less ear wax when they are infected.
  • If it is, both of my kids have had ear infections since birth.

    Their ears are gross. I have to clean them pretty much daily.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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